ISO529 Metric coarse and fine thread
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Unified coarse and fine thread UNC/UNF
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
ISO Machine and hand taps BA
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Spiral fluted, metric coarse and fine thread
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
ISO Spiral Fluted
Metric system coarse and fine thread
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
ISO Spiral Fluted
Unified coarse and fine thread UNC/UNF
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
ISO Spiral Fluted
coarse and fine thread UNC/UNF
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Spiral fluted BSW/BSF
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Spiral fluted BSW/BSF
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
Spiral fluted Taps ground thread BA
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
ISO Spiral Pointed Taps
metric coarse and fine thread
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
ISO Sprial Pointed Taps
metric coarse and fine thread
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN
ISO Spiral Pointed UNC/UNF
Thread making: Fully ground
Material: M2, M35
Finish: Bright, Tin, TiCN, TiALN